Title: The Soldier Who Fought the Wrong War Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYykNh0iU1M Published:Aug 10, 2024 Author:Dark Docs Post Date:2024-08-13 21:54:25 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:29
North Korea, October 30, 1950. The night sky erupts in chaos as Chinese forces launch a massive assault on the 8th Cavalry Regiment near Unsan. Amidst the deafening roar of gunfire and explosions, one soldier stands out Corporal Ted Rubin.
For 24 grueling hours, Rubin mans a .30 caliber machine gun. Three previous gunners have already fallen, but Rubin remains. His last stand slows the enemy's advance, buying precious time for his comrades to retreat southward. Only when his ammunition is completely exhausted does Rubin's gun fall silent.
As dawn breaks on October 31, Rubin finds himself severely wounded and in the hands of the Chinese. His captors smirk, believing they've snared just another American soldier. But they couldn't be more wrong. Beneath that uniform lies a secret that will become their worst nightmare.
Born as Tibor Rubin, this 21-year-old soldier carries with him a dark and secret history - he was a man forged in the fires of one hell, now ready to survive another.
The coming months will test every ounce of Rubin's strength and courage. But for now, as he takes his first steps into captivity, one thought burns in his mind: the Chinese have no idea what's coming.