Title: How the Allies trapped the Germans Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INalXuvgTtk Published:Aug 14, 2024 Author:Imperial War Museums Post Date:2024-08-18 17:11:11 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:19
By July 1944, the Allies seemed to be in deep trouble. Since D-Day, they had advanced just 30km (20 miles) in 3 weeks as the fight to break out from Normandy became one of the most savage battles of the Second World War. In the deadly maze of Hedgerows, the next town let alone Berlin seemed to be a million miles away.
And yet, just a month later, the Allies transformed the battle. They punched through the German lines and sealed their enemy in a giant cauldron. This encirclement, known as the Falaise Pocket, marked the brutal and decisive finale of the Normandy Campaign.
So why did the Allies get stuck in the first place? What sparked the breakthrough? And did the Allies miss a golden opportunity for an even more stunning victory?