Title: The Breakup of Yugoslavia An Underground Air Base Hid 60 Fighter Jets - Abandoned Željava Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frzkhndilQo Published:Jan 10, 2024 Author:Mason Obscura Post Date:2024-08-23 22:36:24 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:34
The eljava Air Base was a Yugoslav aerodrome that kept 1000 soliders and 60 fighter jets safe in the event a nuclear war broke out with the Soviet Union. Two miles of taxiways and four entrances to the underground air base still lead adventurous urban explorers deep into the bowels of a mountain that once kept Yugolsavia ready for war.
Poster Comment:
I worked with two Serbians One was an Engineer and the other was a Heavy. I think they were on opposite ends of the political spectrum.