Title: The Deadliest Desert Ambush - 12 Marines vs 600 Iraqi Soldiers Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU833ijOrWQ Published:Aug 13, 2024 Author:Dark Docs Post Date:2024-08-24 19:52:41 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:20
The night of January 29, 1991, seemed like just another mission for the Air Force E-8 Joint STARS crew. This advanced surveillance aircraft, recently introduced to the American arsenal, had been tasked with scouring western Iraq for Scud missile sites and keeping a watchful eye on the territory ahead of the US Army VII Corps.
Twelve days into Operation Desert Storm, the crew had grown accustomed to the routine of monitoring the vast expanse of the Kuwaiti-Saudi border area.
As the hours ticked by, the Joint STARS crew directed their state-of- the-art sensors toward southern Kuwait. Unusual activity had been detected in the previous days, stirring in the depths behind enemy lines.
But tonight, the moving target indicators painted an alarming picture. The crew watched in disbelief as elements of Iraq's 5th Mechanized Division and 3rd Armored Division surged southward, poised to breach the border near the abandoned Saudi town of Khafji.
The realization hit the crew like a thunderbolt - Iraq was about to unleash its own ground offensive and invade Saudi Arabia.
Poster Comment:
There is the short film clip of Saddam meeting with Donald Rumsfeld.
Saddam said about Operation Desert Storm, "This will be the mother of all battles." He was right. It was a mutha.
The true reason the U.S. invaded Iraq was Dollar Supremacy. Saddam was selling Iraqi oil for Euros. He had to go and since he would not give up his cell phone, he was caught and hung in the end.