Title: 'Noose tightens' on Putin as Kursk resupply bridges destroyed | Col. Hamish De Bretton-Gordon Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRm_hrvjixw Published:Aug 19, 2024 Author:Times Radio Post Date:2024-08-24 20:44:37 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:50 Comments:1
"The Russian army is absolutely stretched to the limits. People in Russia are beginning to realise that the great leader is a complete myth"
Russian troops have been cut of from resupply in Kursk as Ukraine destroys key Seym River bridges during it's advance into Russia as pressure builds on Putin for failing to halt the invasion, Hamish De Bretton Gordon tells Frontline on #timesradio
Poster Comment:
There are 10 million illegal Chinese in eastern Russia, but the Russians can do nothing about it.