Title: Arrogance not frustration is fueling political violence Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qLV1m9BxRjE Published:Sep 17, 2024 Author:Horse Post Date:2024-09-17 10:47:36 by Horse Keywords:None Views:1154 Comments:4
Poster Comment:
It is not frustration but arrogance that is causing Leftists to think they have the right to censor and even to imprison us for our speech and to kill us if they are in danger of losing power. The real power lies in the hands of the very few men who own this current government and have given themselves right to steal taxpayer money by the trillions.
The greed of Wall Street is so great that we are not allowed to have a government, a military and a banking system that works. Our self-appointed leaders and the corporate media would rather see the Dollar Die and have our wages cut 60% than allow banking and governmental reforms.
I expect the Dollar to Die within the next 12 months. The violence we will see then will come from the bottom 75% of Americans forced to kill their neighbors for food. All that because we do not demand reforms.
Honest voting counts. End of fractional reserve banking. Bring back President Lincoln's non-interest bearing Greenback. Debt Cancellation as practiced by the Sumerians and the ancient Babylonians. A Depression is a period in time when Unpayable Debts are cancelled en masse. We have more Unpayable Debts than anytime in history so we are facing an imminent Depression that will be far worse than the US in 1933 and Germany in 1923. We do not have real free speech and so we cannot even discuss the reforms we need to enact.
I expect the Dollar to Die within the next 12 months. The violence we will see then will come from the bottom 75% of Americans forced to kill their neighbors for food. All that because we do not demand reforms.
Your optimism is disgusting.
A rainbow coalition against Jews doesn't require Whites or Pro-Whites. It can be just as brown or anti-white as you like.