Carvey, playing Biden, perfectly portrayed his shuffling and mumbling for the SNL audience who suddenly believe this is funny stuff. Dana Carvey: Folks, thats right. A lot of people forget Im President, including me. But guess what? And by the way, I think I did a pretty good job. I passed more bills than any president history.
But folks, we still got work to do. No joke. Im being serious right now. Come on. And guess what? And by the way, the fact of the matter is, the rich dont pay their fair share. They got to pay their fair share. We got to build back better. The build back, the better, the better, the build back, the better. Cant believe its not butter. Thank you.
Despite being the last ones in the world to acknowledge Joe Bidens dementia, SNL actually allowed this to play on their weekly show. Amazing!