Title: Prof. Mohammad Marandi | Israel’s Deadly Miscalculation: Consequences of Attacking Iran & Hezbollah! Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aeze1M2l4o Published:Oct 29, 2024 Author:Horse Post Date:2024-10-29 10:59:28 by Horse Keywords:None Views:257 Comments:1
Poster Comment:
The Russians gave Iran their Mach 9 cruise missile. It will be copied by Ansar Allah in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon. This will put the US and UK navies in harms way whenever they are within 1,000 Kms of either country. The Iraqi resistance will run the US military out of its land. Iran could move some of its S-400 batteries into Iraq so they could shoot down Israeli jets long before they fire their missiles.
The hand writing is on the wall for the Israeli regime and the American Empire.