The website you link to reminds me of Jack Van Impe.
Amusing site.
Friends, may I gently suggest you are either being facetious, or perhaps gave only a cursory look at that site, and misinterpreted what was being said there.
In the past, I have spoken with Carol Valentine, and I can attest to the fact that she is no Jack Van Impe, nor is she amused. She has another site and other topics, where she sets a different tone, which I will mention in a second. At come-and- hear, she starts out, and TRIES [for the most part] a more conversational tone as you may be able to detect here [but oftentimes her true feelings win out and emerge with a vengeance and great wit]:
Maybe like Alex Jones, she doesn't want to start out by totally alienating people to her cause, which is to educate people to the truth about the Talmud and the Zionist agenda for America.
Her other websites/topics are here, and right from the get-go, they speak for themselves of her true feelings. Examples:
Carol has done a tremendous amount of research, and is a Christian and a patriot. I think she has awakened thousands, if not millions of people to the Zionist agenda. I don't want to leave the impression with people who do not know of her work to ignore or disregard it, because there is a tremendous amount of information to be gleaned from her websites.
As for the site [I can't find who mentioned it]. Perhaps there is not an original thought there [I wouldn't know], but it is presented in such a way, that it has also helped to educate many, many people. It all helps. What is that saying, "I cannot do everything, but I can do something." I think Jackie does a fine job in what she does, which is trying to get the message out there about what has been going on.
Late, you'all seem to know Alex Jones better than I, although I have been reading his stuff for years now. I am of the same opinion as others on the thread, that what he does helps expose the plot for the first time to people who never even knew there was one. Once they start doing research for themselves, it won't take them long to discover who is behind it. Possibly this IS a psyops to get all of us to just ignore Alex. I don't know.
At any rate, thanks for all the links. There are some great ones there. Loved the one on Zakheim. Maybe "They" saw it, too. Some of the talking heads last night and this morning were going on about the $1 Billion of American taxpayer money some Iraqi had supposedly squandered. I thought then, big deal, what about the TRILLIONS Zakheim can't account for. Nothing like diverting attention.