Alex Jones And The Jewish Supremacists Much as it pains us to admit this, Alex Jones' systematic and relentless refusal to discuss, let alone analyze, the subterfuges of the Jewish supremacists cannot be explained away by mere mental confusion on his part. Time and time again he expertly deflects his readers' attention away from these ultimate human enemies of mankind and turns it instead towards nebulous entities and abstractions like The New World Order, the Elite, or the Luciferian Controllers. Or else towards Khazar puppets like Cheney, Bush, and the ZOG called the US government.
As Daryl Bradford Smith so persuasively reveals in this article, Jones is ever on the alert for the slightest criticism of the so-called Jews and simply will not tolerate such. It is a Rubicon he will not cross. His editorial policy absolutely forbids it. Smith also reveals that Jones has a Jewish wife, Violet, and informs us that his two young English associates, the Watson brothers, are rumoured to be of Jewish extraction. This would go far to explaining his evident sympathies.
Does Smith overstate his case? Possibly, and perhaps most notably when he accuses Jones of running a terror cell in Austin, Texas. But prescinding from such rhetorical flourishes, we must all ask ourselves this simple question: If the maxim know thine enemy is an indispensable prescription for success in war, is Jones, despite his many obvious merits, really helping us to win it? Is victory likely to be ours if we systematically aim at the wrong target? Even a passive apologist for Jewish supremacism can be supremely dangerous when so much is at stake.