For those who missed the C-Span interview of the 2 scholars Mearsheimer and Walt yesterday, I have stumbled across a full text transcript link to a previous interview done on 06/23/06. It was included as a link in a wikepedia biography of Mearsheimer.
I hope yesterday's interview on C-Span will eventually make its way to the internet because Mearsheimer did a great presentation on how AIPAC shaped the US government reaction to the Lebanon invasion by Israel. Mearsheimer also methodically destroys the rumor put out by dis-information-alists on cyber land that Israel was acting as the USA's client state.
Perhaps CAIR will eventually post the full text transcript to yesterday's C-Span interview on their website - it was under CAIR's auspices that this latest M&W presentation at the National Press Club was made possible.
***Walt and Mearsheimer were ranked as being within the top 25 scholars who have had the "greatest impact" on the field of international relations the past 20 years. Mearsheimer was ranked #5 and Walt was ranked #22.***
See pg.20
The survey was published August, 2005, 7 months before the release of their research paper.