This is a good one.
Jerome Corsi is listed on the ADL's site as a current leader of an "extremist/vigilante" group. He's also a lifelong supporter of B'nai B'rith and was once a member of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission. I've heard Corsi on the usual Ziopap shows like George Noory and Jim Bohanan linking Iran and immigration any number of times.
As I know someone from at least one group monitors this board, I have a question for B'nai B'rith, the ADL and their partisans: Is Jerome Corsi no longer a member in good standing now that he's an extremist or is he still the operative that he appears to be?
From the ADL's website:
Archive of Extremist Events by State: 2006
New York
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
New York, New York
Anti-immigration rally Demonstration organized by the Minuteman Project, a border vigilante group, featuring Jim Gilchrist and Jerome Corsi.
This tidbit used to be at the Forward's site. It's now scrubbed:
Jerome Corsi, the co-author of the anti-John Kerry book Unfit for Command who recently apologized publicly for some coarse comments about Muslims, Catholics and Jews that he posted on a right-wing Web site, called the Forward on Tuesday to attest to his pro-Jewish bona fides.
I have created two mutual funds for the State of Israel for Bnai Brith, said Corsi, an investment specialist who has worked for banks and for his own firms. Although neither fund succeeded because of lack of investor interest, I [went] to Jerusalem twice as the guest of Bnai Brith
. I worked two years of my life to get [the funds] done. Ive been a strong supporter of Bnai Brith and Jewish causes for 30 years, Corsi said.
As for the outré comments, they were for generating discussion, satirical purposes, whatever.
Added Corsi in an e-mail: My current financial services company, U.S. Financial Marketing Group, is currently developing affinity marketing programs for Jewish social service workers. A plug he wants, yet?
Forward, September 09, 2004
This is from an Israeli site:
Dr. Jerome Corsi, formerly with the Israel Atomic Energy Commission and author of Atomic Iran
Knesset Briefing on Iranian's Nuclear Weapons, 06/25/05
A personal note to B'nai B'rith and the ADL: You're getting sloppy if a white-knuckled, mouthbreathing, stupid redneck like me can catch you in the act. Maybe you all should circulate more memos or something.