FOREWARD: Let's see - it ain't in the South (is it?). It's got nothing to do with Poverty, 'cause it sure ain't po'. It might have little to do with the Law - other than it's own. Let's hear it for Morris Sleaze. A four page Federal Bureau of Investigations report, straight from the desk of then FBI director Louis Freeh, dated January 4, 1996, brings to light an undercover operation conducted by the Southern Poverty Law Center involving convicted OKC bomber Timothy McVeigh.
The McCurtain Daily Gazette, an Idabel, Oklahoma newspaper, recently obtained a copy of the aforementioned FBI cable and ran a story on Dec. 14, 2003, that disclosed earth shattering information concerning the OKC bombing. The most startling revelation involved the purported civil rights group, headed by Morris Dees, conducting an "intelligence gathering operation" at Elohim City, a "white supremacist compound" long suspected of being heavily infiltrated by federal agents.
At a press conference before a speaking engagement at Southeastern Oklahoma University on Nov.11, 2003, Morris Dees admitted that SPLC had an agent operating inside Elohim City on April 17, 1995, just two days before the OKC bombing which according to the FBI report is the day Timothy McVeigh placed a call to certain persons at Elohim City. Dees further stated that " Timothy McVeigh probably was at Elohim City, based on evidence we've been able to pick up - stuff I can't really go into." He also said, "We work very closely with the CIA, FBI, ATF."
This new information when coupled with the fact that the federal governments alphabet soup organizations seem to be intertwined with subversive movements such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith and the Jewish Defense League to the extent that U.S law enforcement agencies have in the past farmed out intelligence operations to these said anti-freedom groups we can begin to understand the ineffectiveness of the investigations surrounding one of the most horrific terrorist attacks to take place on American soil.
Some other groundbreaking admissions enclosed in former FBI director Louis Freeh's cable include the following "Prior OKBOMB investigation determined that (named withheld) had placed a telephone call to (name withheld) on April 5, 1995, a day he was believed to have been attempting to recruit a second conspirator to assist in the OKBOMB attack."
The gov't. spin has always been that McVeigh and Nichols had been plotting and scheming together dating back to the fall of 1994, but according to the FBI report at least up to April 5, 1995, just two weeks before the OKC bombing a second conspirator did not exist. Obviously this leads to the question ,who was the second conspirator on April 19,1995, ? An agent provacateur perhaps? Well the answer to this question might also be found in the directors report when he refers to a person at Elohim City as having a long relationship with one of the two indicted conspirators.
Even after these stunning admissions, nearly 9 years after the fact justice has not been served, but it is refreshing to know that the trail leading to the true conspirators is not as cold as was once believed