Well then, you must be familiar with Mr. Obvious. ;)
"Hi, Mr. Obvious, I'm blind and I had my seeing-eye dog fixed, and now he keeps walking me in front of buses on the street....do you have any idea why he keeps doing this?"
By the way, I think the Heywood Banks's song is "Big Butter Jesus."
"Hi, Mr. Obvious, I'm blind and I had my seeing-eye dog fixed, and now he keeps walking me in front of buses on the street....do you have any idea why he keeps doing this?"
Sometimes I've laughed so hard at Bob and Tom I've had tears come out of my eyes. Like the time the late Harry Carey ("Afterlife Sparts") was talking about using pencil erasers to make nipples for his Barbie.
Sometimes I've laughed so hard at Bob and Tom I've had tears come out of my eyes.
Same here.
I remember the guy that rented what he thought was an 'adult movie' called Head Cleaner... But there was nothing on the tape. I was outside gardening at the time, and was laff/crying so much, I had to go inside.. Mr. Obvious was trying to be so kind.. LOL!