Title: Water-based fuel (Water powered cars) Source:
YouTube URL Source:http://youtube.com/watch?v=QKO-hp7Tilk Published:Oct 29, 2006 Author:??? Post Date:2006-10-29 05:08:10 by Neil McIver Keywords:water power, hydrogen, fuel cells Views:162 Comments:8
Poster Comment:
Anyone here got the basic equipment and saftey know-how to do a test? An accidental short of a car battery would be not difficult and very bad with the experiments shown, but it seems to be no real rocket science.
It would have been better if the gas coming up were shown to be hydrogen & Oxygen.
This happened in the same town I've lived in all my life. Here is a link to a more detailed video about his invention. This link goes to his website, which I assume is being maintained by his family because Meyers died under suspicious circumstances.
My position on this has been that anyone trying to patent these inventions is being foolish because, at best, you will end up like Tesla (pennyless and alone) or like Meyers...dead. Build it, video every detail of contruction, draw up detailed blueprints and then dump everything onto the internet. If you want to be cute and have enough money to by a full page ad USA Today of the Times, publish the blueprints there. You'll make a hell of a lot more money living off the notoriety on the lecture and book circuit than you ever will trying to take on the oil companies and government and control an invention like this.