The important significance of the root of the word religion is that it has the same root as the word legal. The Roman system of law in its inception was a good governmental system as was the American. Both became corrupted and broke down.
In the Christian paradigm, as has been stated, God forces no one. Still men participate in a legal system (God's civil law) of their own choosing. The important difference between a good Godly government and that of evil is that men administer the civil law within their own community (i.e., the churches of Christ). They agree to everything or they are not subject to it. Adjudication proceeds amongst peers. There is no improper force involved but adjudication and punishment for violation of law (deprivation of life liberty and property according to due process of law) is certain.
The root of the word religion is bind because if men do not bind themselves to each other within the Covenant, there can be no Covenant. No one need worry about loss of choice within a system of true law (the bonds of Christ) because God will have nothing to do with men directly unless they choose for themselves for forever and hence become willing to bind themselves in all matters in obedience to Him. This is true religion.
Like you, I refuse to be bound by the manipulation of conscience I lost myself in. Only in that which I have agreed to am I subject to punishment for refusal to comply. If I have chosen anything through fraud and deceit or intimidation, I can get out of it (man´s law). I must be willing to pay for my own decisions.
For me religion constitute the sum result of all of the decisions I have or have not made.
of the decisions I have or have not made