Title: ZapRoot Unearthed | Monsanto Corp. for a Better America[GM Corn] Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:Dec 30, 2006 Author:zaprootpodcast Post Date:2007-06-14 09:36:52 by Itisa1mosttoolate Keywords:None Views:125 Comments:12
I would like to talk to you today about the face of evil. We have no more Hitler, no more Pol Pot. Gone are the quaint icons of evil in the last century. Today we usher in a new version of evil, for our new century. Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you a promotional video from the Monsanto Corporation .
Monsanto is responsible for such great hits like, developing Agent Orange & Bovine Growth Hormone, being the largest provider of genetically modified food sources on the planet, Water Privatization, creating terminator seeds (seeds that are genetically designed to only grow once and not reproduce), and Round-Up Ready food, corn and grain that are genetically resistant to pesticides and continue to live while everything around them is eradicated. Monsanto seeks to outbreed all other genetic strains of produce like corn, so that all corn growers must buy seed from them.
What is the big deal, you say? Consider this, there is no governmental oversight of genetically modified food producers in the US, none. Instead, the EPA tells the corporations to use Best Practices. Which translates to, you guys police yourselves. And we all know that corporations always keep the publics interest in mind. For these and other fun facts watch The Future of Food . It is a deceptively boring title for what is an amazing documentary. via: SideWinder77
Poster Comment:
Be careful what you injest that comes from "corn."