Sue Arrigo, MD
This is the story of how the CIA uses "war zones" to garner kids for the sex slave business. You may have heard how the two companies, DynCorp and Halliburton, were caught trafficking in women during the war in Yugoslavia.
Some background on this topic can be found at articles/january2006/ 010106sexslavescandal.htm
or see the Rep. Cynthia McKinney Grills Rumsfeld On Dyncorp Sex Rings video at mckinney_grills_rumsfeld.htm
In these cases,they were importing and trafficking inRussian and East bloc women as sex slaves.
I want to talk about the children that are native to any war zone. The CIA did this across Africa, and anywhere they went as a standard part of their operations.
The names of the front companies will change over time. I am writing this down from memory after being inside the CIA for decades. Some of the details may be off, but the gist of the material will be correct.
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The going price for brothel owners to buy a kid on an auction block in New York City and D.C. is between $500 dollars for a sick kid to $50,000 for a choice virgin who is blond and blue eyed and speaks English.