We are a new internet-based political party representing a new paradigm of political activism. We represent the virtual voice of the reality based community. What we are building is the next logical step, after first admitting the present two-party system is dangerously flawed, and needs fixing. Now. Yesterday. We intend to be the catalyst required to mobilize those who are discouraged, dissatisfied, outraged or terrified at the direction our two party system is leading us, or those who feel that the political process is simply not worth their time or efforts. What could possibly be more important than the future of humanity and our planet? We will bring together many of the existing third parties under "one tent" and unite us rather than pitting us against each other. The Neither Party extends the olive branch of welcome to Republocrats of both wings, as well as all of the other niche or one-issue third parties. United we stand; divided we fall.
If you are disenchanted or disgusted with your present political party, we encourage you to join us. We encourage intra-party discourse and dissent, and trust that vetting of platform planks, party positions and candidates by party members (directors) will ensure that our member support is broad-based and inclusive.
Becoming a member gives you the opportunity to fully participate in the VBOD Forum (Virtual Board of Directors Forum). In the VBOD Forum you can share your thoughts and ideas, and offer suggestions for edits concerning any or all issues. As a paying member (a director), you will be vetting the Neither Party Platform (participating in the evolution of various positions) and nominating those who also believe a fundamental change of direction is necessary for the survival of our Nation.
The sooner we start, the better chance we have of succeeding. We must start now!
Mash the URL to learn more and to check'em out.