89% - Duncan Hunter 2% - Ron Paul 0% - Fred Thompson 0% - Tom Tancredo 2% - Mitt Romney 5% - John McCain 0% - Mike Huckabee 0% - Rudy Giuliani 0% - Newt Gingrich 0% - Sam Brownback
I'm guessing that 2% is my 1 vote since it doesn't look like anyone knows this is there but the Hunter group.
* Caravan News The North and West Central Meetups are going to do a little car pooling for the Chicago Rally. Here are the details, contac Lynette for more information...
Where: Hyatt Regency 151 East Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60601
Peru, Monticello, Kokomo, and Lafayette are wanting to do a caravan for the Cincinnati Rally as well. I'm working the Fairgrounds Flea Market on that day, so if someone who's heading to Cincinnati would like to step up to the plate to organize a meeting point (Probably somewhere around 465 and I-74 South, let both Lynette and I know, so we can post the information.
CHRIS NEEDS A RIDE TO CINCY! He's on the Southside, and if you haven't met him, he's one of the most Die-Hard supporters in the group. If you can help out contact Chris on the Bootme21 profile of the Members section, or let me know, so I can hook both of you up.
* Regarding donations for the Flea Market Fundraiser, DOug came up with an excellent idea requesting promotions...
Idea: What about using the phrase, clean and serviceable when asking for donations?
Now I'm sure you aren't going to dump off dirty diapers at Doug's place, but please keep this in mind. One thing that Goodwill doesn't accept that might move are computer stuff. Other than that, if Goodwill won't accept it, it's probably not going to move at the Flea Market.
* Here's a thank you from David Geiger regarding the cookout on Sunday. Believe me, I would have much rather been there that what I wound up doing. You know, having more of these cookouts around the area might be some terrific fundraisers. If you're in to firing up the Weber, let us know so we can promote it.
Thank you to all the people who made the cookout a success. It is very encouraging to have many new people show so much interest in the group. Please keep your eye on the websites as there will be many more events very soon.
Thank you for getting involved!
David Geiger
* Please keep those letters coming regarding skill sets. The goal is not to bog anyone down with a lot of work, rather, having a lot of people step up to the plate to make our efforts more efficient and easier for everyone. Think of it this way... Two people can move a Piano up a flight of stairs, but it's a heck of a lot easier, quicker, and without injury if a dozen people pull it up with a rope with two or three at the bottom acting as support. This orgainization is filled with Chiefs, so let's make the most of it.
* Again, a welcome to our new members. I just spent the last fifteen minutes responding to emails sent out to the group that we're stuck in pending. I know I sound like a broken record, but please contact Michael or myself directly if you need to get something out. A couple of those messages had been there for two days. The organization is too large now, and a group email free-for-all will only result in 40 to 50 messages in your inbox. My rule is one to two correspondences a day is idea, three or four if it's important, and I'm pressing it a bit if it gets past five... Although I'm sure we'll have days like that around primary time.
Liberty in Our Lifetime cc
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