Remember that Monday is our annual "Sucker the Little Kids into Worshipping the Virgin Mary" day. As usual, we will fan out to school yards across the nation to tell the kids that Mary is the one who really calls the shots in heaven, Our chapter will meet at the clubhouse at 7:00 AM. You will be given a grade school assignment and a collection of lollipops and plastic Icons to pass out. The icons were ordered from a Chinese firm and are really nice. A hearing aid battery causes the halo to light up when a string is pulled.
Remember to be clear about what you are doing. Last year, when one of our members was seen lurking about the school yard in a trench coat and passing out candy, a school administrator accused him of being a Republican Congressman. Wearing your "Jesus was a Hippy" or "One World Order" T-shirt would help avoid these sorts of false assumptions.
And remember not to park in the Florist parking lot when you arrive on Monday. You may be towed. There is plenty of on street parking on the next street over, you simply have to walk half a block to use it.
A pot luck will take place after the children have been indoctrinated.