If one wants to see the difference between two legal systems, see below. Recall that if Mukasey gets the Atty. Gen. spot, that means Orthodox Jews will have The Federal Reverse, Homeland Unsecurity and the Injustice Dept. Wrap your head around that: The Fed, DHS and Justice will be run by genuine Jewish nutjobs. DHS and Justice pretty much comprise all of the Federal police agencies and now form the Gestapowitz.
Now onto what this nice Jewish lawyer lady has to say:
"The right to be left alone is a basis of Anglo-American jurisprudence, to stand for your rights. The right to privacy and to self-defense is sacred. Jewish law, on the other hand, has created mechanisms of forcing you to give charity and help."
Suzanne Stone
Director, Program in Jewish Law and Interdisciplinary Studies
Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University in New York