Michael Ledeen: Iran was behind 9/11 !!! by Florida Democrat [Subscribe]
Wed Oct 17, 2007 at 12:44:04 PM PDT
To be perfectly fair, the exact words used in this AEI press release are these:
Indeed, as Ledeen demonstrates in The Iranian Time Bomb, the relationship between Iran and al Qaeda over the years has been so close that it is difficult today not to conclude that Iran was involved in the 9/11 attacks.
Just in case there was ANY doubt, what the neocons are pushing for in no uncertain terms:
There will never be adequate security in Iraq so long as Iran is in the grips of the theocratic fascist regime now in power. While it is understandable that policymakers do not want to face this mortal threat, there is no way out. The mullahs have proven they will attack us until they either win or lose.
Talking points (to be blasted on F-News in the coming weeks are these):
Iran has been the enemy all along. (Translation: "Bush was a good-intentioned moral person who was naturally fooled by Arab deception into thinking the real problem was in Afghanistan. We NOW know that Iraq was a mistake and the real issue has always been Iran. Let's not make a mistake AGAIN and attack the source of the problem.")
We are losing in Iraq because of Iran. (Translation: "You don't want to be a loser do you? You don't want a bunch of Arabs laughing at your manhood. It doesn't feel good to be a loser. Be strong, be a winner and bomb Iran, you'll feel better about yourself.")
Iran problem can only be solved by a regime change. (Translation: "Islamic fanatics like Bin Laden rule Iran. They do not understand civilized - aka "white" - things like diplomacy. They will just lie to make a fool out of us, so the only thing we can do to be SURE that these fanatics do not harm us is to kill them all. Therefore, we have to change the regime. It's the only responsible thing to do.")
We must vote for a Republican. (Translation: "These Arab fanatics will come here, kill your family and have sex with your daughters. Is that what you want? If you don't vote for someone who knows what to do with these sub-humans, America is OVER. Just look at all the Illegal immigrants.")