The Messiah is coming! His name is Mike Huckabee. He wants to rewrite the Constitution to reflect his interpretation of the Bible regarding gays, lesbians and that old Republican favorite, "family values". This has been tried before. The Puritans came to this continent to have religious freedom as they regarded the Church of England to be lacking in piety.
First the Jews and Quakers were victimized as not having the right religion. Then they turned on their own for not being pious enough. In spite of the fact that 30 percent of the United States is not Christian, Huckabee wants to make it all Christian, following in the footsteps of columnist Ann Coulter, who thinks that Jews should convert to Christianity because it would make them "better people."
If these two have their way, it won't be good enough to be a Christian but they will require a certain kind of Christian.
That is how religious fanatics usually manage things. The Southern Baptists are the worst, requiring that wives should be "respectfully subservient to their husbands."
The framers of the Constitution were very mindful of religion, saying only that the government shall not impose any religion on its citizens. They had less than fond memories of the Puritans.
The vast majority of the country couldn't care less about what gays and lesbians do or do not do and have adopted an attitude of tolerance regarding religious beliefs of all kinds. Let's keep it that way.
Raleigh Sutton