Rocks is definitely quite a pant load. I first met him on another forum where he posted as "Bush Admirer". He used to post, cut and paste a lot, on Indymedia SF, Portland, and LA as well as Liberty Forum (where I hung out for several years).
I have never entirely figured his schtick other than he is a shameless propagandist. I suspect he is an Israel Firster and does this to support the phoney "WARONTERRA" for good ol' Israhell.
One thing he definitely IS NOT is a supporter of the U.S. Constitution and the principles of liberty and free societies. Despite his clownishness he is basically pushing a totalitarian police state message.
He mishandled the Iraq situation by not carpet bombing and napalming all of the population centers in Iraq prior to the invasion...He still hasn't attack Iran and has allowed Syria to get away with murder.
In the homeland, he's allowed seditious and traitorous talk to thrive. He's allowed the media to undermind the WOT and his administrations ability to fight it.
Holy smokes - this guy is off his rocker - he's nuts.
In the homeland, he's allowed seditious and traitorous talk to thrive. He's allowed the media to undermind the WOT and his administrations ability to fight it.
John McCain will be a much better president. He has the backbone president Bush doesn't.
McCain_Rocks posted on 2008-07-24 19:26:51 ET Reply Trace
What it, do you think McCain_Sucks Rocks should be captured and taken to Happy Valley Home for the Criminally Insane for his own good and to make sure he doesn't climb a tower and start shooting?