This joke was originally in Portuguese and my sweet lady was kind enough to translate it and send it on to me.
A man was walking on a road when he sees a balloon that is coming down. The man in the basket waves at him desperately, gets the balloon down a little bit more and calls out to him:
- Can you help me? I promised I would meet some people at 2 o'clock, but it is already 4 and I don't know where I am. Can you tell me where I am?
The man answers:
- Yes, you are about five meters above the road, 33 degrees South latitude, 51 degrees West longitude.
The balloonist looks at him with an ironic smile and asks:
- Are you an engineer?
-Yes, Sir. How did you find out?
- Elementary! What you said is technically correct, but your information is useless and I am as lost as I was before. Can't you give any more satisfactory information?
The engineer thinks for seconds and tells the balloonist:
-You're from the PT party! (Lula's party,* "workers party"). - Yes, I am affiliated with the Parido dos Trabalhadores. How do you know?
- Elementary! This is how I knew. You went up without the minimum sense of orientation. Don't know what to do, where you are and even where you're going. Made a promise and have no idea how you are going to keep it. And you wait for someone else to solve your problem.You are lost and say it is my fault!... ..............
*Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the president of Brasil. Apparently the thinking people there think about as much of him as we do of the scumbags who are ruining America.