Title: MERLE HAGGARD CLASSIC!!!!! (Cover of "Are the Good Times Really Over?" - with Slide Show) Source:
YT URL Source:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzOMxHw2zo0 Published:Jan 13, 2007 Author:rvollin1935 Post Date:2008-10-04 23:03:48 by buckeye Keywords:None Views:297 Comments:14
Thanks for the wonderful song and the great feeling the vid brings. To answer Merle's question, yes, the good times are over for now. I won't ever say for good. When enough decent people recognize that international socialism has seeped into our politics, economy and media just maybe we can shuck it off and start fresh. I've begun in my own limited way. I've walked around anyone - family or friend - who buys into this crap and have reduced my core of trusted friends to a handful. These are the people I'll stand with, come what may. From this day forward I'll never try and get along with people who drink the Kool Aid simply because they have a good heart. They have chosen to stand on one side and me the other. We need to meet sometime soon Buckeye, with those you trust. Whatever petty spats have divided our side in the past has to be dropped, if we are to survive. We need an America First National movement that perhaps can grow into a party. The first step to this end is to reject the McCain-Obama slop the Rs and Ds have dished up this year. If ever there was a time to reject the current state of American politics it's this year. Peace.
My conservative friends wouldn't be joining us. They're hoping and praying that a one man, one vote scenario will somehow work out for us even when anchor babies are casting ballots. They continue to believe that RINOs will eventually be better than Democrats. That and personally, I'd say that they're hoping Christ will return soon enough so that it won't matter.
I don't know if I'm the right person to help you get your party started in terms of meet and greet, fund raising, and strategy. But parties take all kinds of people to run properly.
I'll never forget how enthusiastic I was when I heard that lP was interested in starting a party centered around ending illegal immigration. That fizzled out for some odd reason. I can speculate that it took way more effort than the owner realized it would.
Also, the political parties focused on illegal immigration seemed to have no other agendas. Even Ron Paul's four step agenda appears weak on solutions to the average American. You and I see the brilliance in letting things just be, but the CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/FOX viewer wants to hear about actions planned to help them with specific problems.
A transitional plan with economists, foreign policy experts (since we're conditioned to expect that), education experts, and law enforcement professionals would help a great deal. Ron Paul took too long in bringing these people to his platform. He failed to hold press releases with any non-foreign-policy or non-monetary experts at his side. In other words, Americans came to believe that he was only interested in tinkering with monetary values and pulling our foreign bases back home. With something like one in six people employed somehow by the federal government, he worried them. Transition planning and real transition plan supporters from the target voters' communities would be critical.
It's reasonable for Americans to ask for orderly change. I have an irrational faith that there's a way to do that in every area of federal involvement. I haven't thought it through, in other words. I think libertarians tend to want to let the cookies crumble the way they will. That isn't going to sell to the American people, who are wary of Friedman style shock treatments.
I'd never join a party, buckeye. And I'd never in my wildest dreams think of creating one. What I was alluding to is gathering small cells of friends and be prepared to strike at socialism when it comes knocking at our doors. Those who won't agree to that simple premise are useless to me.
The concept of Leaderless Resistance was proposed by Col. Ulius Louis Amoss, who was the founder of International Service of Information Incorporated, located in Baltimore, Maryland. Col. Amoss died more than fifteen years ago, but during his life was a tireless opponent of communism, as well as a skilled Intelligence Officer. Col. Amoss first wrote of Leaderless Resistance on April 17, 1962. His theories of organization were primarily directed against the threat of eventual Communist take-over in the United States.