Links to Fractal articles. Fractal antenna constructions
Did you know: Military uses fractal antennas
Fractal Antennas Offer Benefits
"We have been able to use a fractalized helix to shrink the height to one-third normal with the same gain," Cohen said. The trade-off with this reduction in size is a decrease in bandwidth to slightly less than 25 percent."
Biology is fractal: E=M*3/4 Scaling of growth: Plants and animals are not so different
Fractal Analysis of Nuclear Medicine Images Again: Validity and Interpretation of Results from New Analysis Methods
A work in progress
Of Mice and Elephants: A Matter of Scale
"As animals get bigger, from tiny shrew to huge blue whale, pulse rates slow down and life spans stretch out longer, conspiring so that the number of heartbeats during an average stay on Earth tends to be roughly the same, around a billion. A mouse just uses them up more quickly than an elephant."
Poster Comment:
Just links to various implementations of Fractal geometry. Great thanks to the genius of Benoit B. Mandelbrot who thought "out of the box," evaded Nazi persecution, had the good fortune to emigrate to the USA and be hired by IBM.