Oh no! The SEC is going after a billionaire! Quick, look out, an angry chihuahua is coming after you! Grrrrr! GRRRRR! It's going to bite your shoelaces! GRRRRRR! Oh boy.... they're dangerous, don't you know! Oh yes, there's just scores of corporate criminals languishing behind bars after being prosecuted by the mighty SEC! GRRRRRRR!
Face it, folks. A spotty faced sixteen year old will get more hard jail time for stealing a six-pack from a 7- 11 than a billionaire will get for stealing a hundred million dollars via 'insider trading". Our legal system is an insult to anyone who believes in justice. On the other hand, it's the finest system money can buy...
All I was trying to illustrate is that Mr. Cuban had said he'd fund a movie for the Loose Change guys to release in large markets, so it seems interesting they've gone after him for a seemingly small sin compared to what else is being allowed in the stock market these days. I'm sure he will survive as long as he keeps his opinions to himself. I don't necessarily like or hate him.