Morgellons disease May Be Cracked!
Morgellons disease: Managing a mysterious skin condition Morgellons disease is mysterious and controversial. Here you'll find answers to common questions about Morgellons disease and suggestions for coping with it.
Morgellons disease is a mysterious skin disorder characterized by disfiguring sores and crawling sensations on and under the skin. Although Morgellons disease isn't widely recognized as a medical diagnosis, experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are investigating reports of the condition.
The Mystery may be over! Leading to even more very uncomfortable Questions? A sinister twist has unfolded which may reveal a startling conclusion to this mysterious condition.
Microscopic view of a dry, membranous-like material formed over an open skin lesion of the type associated with what a small group of people call Morgellons disease
Theories are coming to slight concluding that thses structures are artificial. They are man made! Nanotechnology - actually nanorobotic mechanisms (ROBOTS!?!). They contain a "Battery-like" property which powers them. they evolve and build upon themselves, they contain no cellular structure!
Its hard to even comprehend the implications of this incredible possiblity. In short, they tested known Morgellon's fibers against Chem-trail samples and other suspected patients and discovered that it is nanotechnology! This is unbelievable!
Dr. Staninger, lead researcher, discusses nanotechnology and how it can penetrate the human body.
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BELOW Quoted from ABOVETOPSECRET.COM It's all coming together now. The question is... What, exactly, are these fibers engineered to do? Additional questions that they are researching is why do they have an "Evolutionary cycle", what is there principle toxicology to the human body?, How are the nanorobotics affecting other natural organisms?
Im pretty lost for words and of course dought must be put into the mixture. The problem that catches my eye is that eminent scientists are now beginning to move toward this conclusion. Find below a link to in depth research ! The information is frightening but we must add caution, as a safety valve, until the UNITED Nation's or some BODY can verify and come clean on what could grow to be one of the biggest scandles in human kind!