Title: Kissinger: Obama can create a "new world order" - CNBC 1/5/09 Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:Jan 5, 2009 Author:me Post Date:2009-01-05 09:42:20 by Jethro Tull Keywords:None Views:1156 Comments:88
Ah.....the year is only 5 days old and Henry Kissinger just mumbled the magic words - New World Order. He said that Obama is in a position to create it, thanks to all the global good will he is receiving.
It wouldn't help anyone to have a president-elect starting a contriversy about the current chain of command of government. Bush is accountible for his administration, not Obama. Obama's starts noon, eastern time on the 20th of this month.
I support him not muddying the waters, I still remember how deep and lasting a problem Clinton had when he didn't chose his battles wisely upon assuming the presidency in regards to the gays in the military question, even though he was right; gays and lesbians should not be discriminated against.
If Obama does not turn the screws on Israel upon assuming the presidency, this is a different matter. At the very least, the Israelis need a bit of tough love delivered to them.
In the form of a deminishment or ceasing of support politically, and in terms of aid provided them.
They are very wrong in this invasion of Gaza. It won't end the problems they want it to. It will exaerbate and expand it.
No. Because he has made it plain in past statements he has a different take on problems in this part of the world then Bush did.
I would be troubled only had he spoken up and created a contriversy regarding the President-elect acting like he was the current POTUS.
A large part of the reason I like Barack Obama is he has been good at avoiding such pratfalls.
Had he spoken out and created a contriversy that would delay or make harder dealing with the situation there when he is actually in the position to make a real difference, then and only then would he create concern for me in regards to this.
No. Because he has made it plain in past statements he has a different take on problems in this part of the world then Bush did.
Mikey, pardon me but, who the F*CK is Obingo to have a "different take on problems in this part of the world"? This world view is called IMPERIALISM 101. His only concern should be in America and Americans. Wake up, it's the new year. Get those foggy, NWO fascist views the hell out of your head. Thank you.
Obummer has Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff. Rahm was a member of the Israeli Defense Force and the Mossad. That he is a spy is a matter of logical suspicion. Don't expect Obummer to do much about Gaza unless Israel bites off too much.