Title: (Jason Bermas and) Loose Change Is A Lie - Avery's Confession! Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:Jan 21, 2009 Author:Jason and Dylan Post Date:2009-04-24 20:51:23 by Itistoolate Keywords:None Views:949 Comments:44
(Jason Bermas and) Loose Change creator Dylan Avery confesses that his "documentary" is full of errors, lies & dubious claims not backed up by facts!
Yet dim witted "truthers" still believe his garbage.
"Truthers" - it's time to wise up & do some research of your own instead of taking the word of a self confessed liar.
A credit is owed to Slimebuster who posted something similar a little while back! I just wanted to do my own take on "truther" idiocy where Loose Change is concerned.
The question is are they talking about the original "Loose Change" which even Bermas has admitted had "weaknesses" or the "Loose Change Final Cut"?
I suspect it was the first one and now the disinfo types are trying to convince everyone that it is not the revised and corrected edition which is titled "Loose Change Final Cut".
The question is are they talking about the original "Loose Change" which even Bermas has admitted had "weaknesses" or the "Loose Change Final Cut"?
I suspect it was the first one and now the disinfo types are trying to convince everyone that it is not the revised and corrected edition which is titled "Loose Change Final Cut".
Were any cuts prior to the "final" cut released? If so, they're busted without any "disinfo" type's help/ The disinfo types are those who lie by commission and omission...and who make scads of money exalting themselves on the radio to cult status and/or selling films about which they use 35 words to say "We lied."
i was very disappointed in 'final cut'. we showed it to a group of people and i had not watched it first. it is a mish-mash of info not for the beginner and its not even a very good film. i was angry when watching it and wanted to get out of there. i wont make that mistake again. loose change 2 is pronbably my favorite 911 film. 911 mysteries, too sleepy and dull to keep peoples attention, IMO.